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Alien Life

The Solar System. Though our Solar System may be very unique to people, there may be other otherworldly planetary systems. Everything thinks that Earth is the most speciak planet due to it being able to sustain life. I BELIEVE in aliens! If there are other earth like exoplanets out in space, why can't there be life on thre too. Heck, there may even be life on Europa and Enceladus due to them having underground oceans, and they're JUST MOONS. I just think so. People do and people do not.


This is Enceladus, one of Saturn's 82 moons. This is a critical science target because it most likely has an underground ocean. With water and underground insulation, this will make it likely for Alien life to exist beneath its icy surface. Something that might prevent it from having life though is the pressure under the water. It is from 50=100 bar which may not sound like a lot, but it is 50 to 100 times the pressure more than Earth at sea level. Still, it is very likely that there is life on this moon.


You may already know this mean because I have mentioned it already, but this is Europa. Europa is the smallest Galilean moon and the 6th largest moon in the Solar System. It's just slightly smaller than our own moon. Europa is around 6 times larger than Enceladus, which means a larger ocean, which also means a higher chance of life. One downside about life on this moon is the radiation from Jupiter. Europa is so blasted by the radiation that it makes life quite unlikely. The good thing about the bad thing is that the radiation received from Jupiter can be used as fuel for life. Bad things mean good things, literally. A cool fact about Europa is that it takes around 3.5 earth days. A day on Europa also last 3.5 Earth days. This means that Europa is tidally locked to Jupiter. I also forgot to mention that Enceladus is tidally locked to Saturn. Imagine if a planet were to be tidally locked. Life would not be possible on that planet. For us earthlings, we are lucky as we are far away enough for the Sun not to have enough of a gravitational effect. When the Sun becomes a red giant, people will think that it's gravity would get stronger. That is not the case as the star would lose mass very quickly. So it's gravity would be getting weaker and weaker.


Titan. Titan looks boring because it has nothing to it. Titan is actually ver interesting, the haze you see is actually its dense atmosphere. Titan is the only known moon to have a dense atmosphere. Other moons also have atmospheres, but not as dense as the one on Titan.

Another interesting thing about Titan is that it is also the only moon to have clouds and flowing liquids on its surface. Having liquids on the surface is very important because it could be a key to life, such as the water on Earth. The liquids on Titan are liquid methane and ethane. With it being so cold there, it will be a liquid.

This is what the surface of Titan probably looks like. You can kind of see Saturn. It can be a little difficult because of its very dense atmosphere. Just compare its surface to Earth's surface. So similar indeed. Titan is one of the most hospitable places in the Solar System. Just like Europa and Enceladus, it, too, has an underground ocean. Considering its size, it has literally 11.4 times the amount of water than Earth does. Humans may as well go there as soon as possible and set base. Just got to make sure they can live there well. Something bad is that Titan is drifting away from Saturn.